The most common comment I receive is that readers want more from Cicely. The story ends too abruptly; they want to know more about her. That's a good thing, I believe.
Links to three reviews I know about:
Cocktail Reviews - five flutes /5
The Long and Short of It - three books/5
Jennifer's Random Musings - I interpret this to be 4/5
If you run across any other reviews, let me know. This story has gained reviews from the whole spectrum, from "Didn't Like" (Fictionwise reader) to "Five Flutes" from Cocktail. Ya never know if your writing will meet with audience appeal. As Stephen King advises, write for your ideal reader; don't worry what other say so much as make sure your craft is good.
I'm guessing for the most part, this little story is not crap. Yay!