
Patti Ann Colt has a release date: The Daddy Spell will be available in both e-book format and in print on November 14. I love this book. Proud like an auntie--I urged her to pull this manuscript back off the shelf and give it one more go-over, then helped her pound it into shape. She worked her authorial magic and sent it out to The Wild Rose Press and voila -- a book was born. She's diligently penning the sequel right now. I can't wait to read it! Come to Cata Network Readers tomorrow, November 14, and chat with the author herself, or to Joyfully Reviewed on November 30. I'll be there as well, as will author Carrie Lofty.
In other news, I have been head-down in my WIP, editing like mad to have a workable partial to begin sending out by January. I am determined. The Empire's Edge has been a WIP since April 2003. I'd like to have it out the door before it turns 5. My CP's are quite encouraging and have helped me sophisticate both this book and my writing in general, resulting in my newfound ability to churn out short stories such as Sweet Cicely. We'll see how I do with that goal.